Transform… really?
Does your cynic scoff as much as mine at that overused word?
Can anything really change that much in just 13 weeks?
Celtic legend says that seeds do.
They rest in the dark for an entire season
Before stirring beneath the soil for their triumphant blossoming.
Imagine having an entire season to rest!
Winter is that season in the natural world.
We’ve been given 13 weeks of percolation to take us from Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox in March.
From longest night and shortest day to light harmonizing in time.
And it all begins on December 21 – the Winter Solstice.
But rest?!? Really?
The only way to let the dark time transform us
is to take matters into our own hands, Dear Ones.
In my last blog I suggested a very practical process for creating a few precious minutes in this dark time for the next 13-weeks’ intentions.
One season isn’t much time really.
Or is it?
It’s enough for a seed to go from invisible to revealing its stunning beauty.
You see, every seed — and every artist of life,
no matter their medium —
must align with the natural forces that govern substantive transformation.
Creative flow can only happen if it’s held by some sort of structure.
If you know me even a little
You know that I’ve been rebelling against structure for most of my life.
Because it came packaged as rigid and punitive discipline.
Not really joy’s style.
Thankfully, fairly recently I’ve gotten a whole new take on structure…
(I’ll be sharing WAY more about that in the New Year, so stay tuned!)
And my life is flourishing as a result.
What I now know is that it’s structure that holds the life of transformation I’m loving living!
See if this applies to you…
There are 2 kinds of structure absolutely essential for a seed to blossom or a human to live a happy and satisfying life of beauty and artistry.
Obviously, the right circumstances or tools must be there…
water and sunshine
paintbrush and canvas
pen and paper (or computer!)
inspiration and ideas.
But something else is essential or nothing will really happen.
Every delicious creation reveals itself in structured time.
And showing up in time is what allows the creative process to be birthed.
So here is inquiry #2 for your Winter Solstice season…
What tools do you need to let your next creative transformation happen?
And what sort of structure will you create to hold you in time?
I invite you to use the next 13 weeks to bloom yourself into your next gorgeous revelation.
Dream into something you really want now…(check out blog #1 for a bit of guidance)
And then, over the next few weeks, create a scaleable plan to allow for its inevitable growth.
This is how you make your desire — and your joyous life — real!
This dark time is made for inner exploration.
But that potent opportunity is only available if you make it happen in time.
I’d hate for you to fritter it away consumed by the season’s parties and busyness.
Your own precious life’s potential is too promising to waste.
I leave you with this question…
How will you value your fully-lived life enough right now to create a structure to hold its Springtime blossoming?
Enjoy the quiet quest, Dear Loves!!!
PS… If you’d like a hand to hold for a season of transformation, here are 3 ways to be transformed in the next 13 weeks. Which one sounds more like you?
1. Spend a season of intentionally structured time with me. Drop whatever’s standing in the way of the life you want and claim the joy and fulfillment that’s been waiting for you all along.
2. Come with me to Haramara February 11-18. Is a Mexican deep dive into awakening the long-denied pleasures of body and soul calling, Sister?
3. AND if your desire is for more, why not schedule a FREE Introductory Session with me right now?
With so much love,