
I offer a Free Introductory Session to explore if this is the right path for you.  Simply click on the BOOK NOW buttons below to arrange.

Ongoing pain or struggle is your invitation.

Experiencing body, heart, mind and soul is the modality. 

Vitality, connection, and deeper joy are the results.

This is your work; no one else’s.
It’s merely a shift in how you see yourself and the world.

What awaits is far more joyful than living a stuck life that deadens you and others around you.
The rewards are infinite and they are yours forever. 


Book your Free Introductory Session to find out whether coaching or counseling with me is the right step for you at this stage on your path.

Spirituality isn’t religion or a church or holding a mantra. It’s tuning in to deep connection, into the inter-relatedness of all things, and into the truth that we are never really separate and never really alone.

As your coach, I will work with you to learn to find pleasure every day and to learn to balance the inevitable daily stresses with the real beauty and pleasure that’s always here.

We gather at the solstices, equinoxes, and cross quarter days to connect with the natural world, source our own wisdom, and seal our intentions for the coming phase of the year.

I serve as a guide and wedding officiant to couples as they craft a Berkshire wedding ceremony and the foundations for a life-long love affair that reflects their individual and unique spiritual identities.