Are you chasing happiness or relaxing into joy?

When we invite Joy to inhabit our lives, we change from the inside out. And the balance we’ve longed for begins to shift.
What’s been dormant in you that is now ready to burst into life?

Let your connection with Nature be an organic guide.
Is it time to reclaim your time?

Without the usual outer-induced structure it’s easy to float along distracted by pings and posts, feeling insubstantial, ungrounded, overwhelmed with an endless stream of stuff to do.
Is trust hard for you? (Part 2)

In times like these my wise body can be my ally, if I will just let it.
Is trust hard for you? (Part 1)

We forget to really take in — to receive — what is true! We are so busy doing and working and putting out that we fail to take in what can soothe and support us through even the scariest days yet to come this winter.
Could a closer look be all you really need?

ANYTIME we come back to what we feel and sense— letting go, even for a few seconds, of the incessant preoccupations of the mind —we land back home again in a grounded centeredness we may have forgotten.