Over the last decade of working with a predominantly female client-base, I couldn’t help noticing that many women are yearning for something we can’t seem to articulate. Even when our lives feel full and satisfying, we sense that there’s something missing.
Women are naturally tuned into the external environment as well as our intrinsic physical and spiritual cycles. For many millennia before recorded history we were living in harmony with the rhythm of the seasons. But with the introduction of electricity over the last 150 years and the deviance away from the natural shifts of light and dark, cold and warmth, we have gradually but indisputably found ourselves adrift from the spiral dance that gave the lives of our foremothers such a sense of connectedness, depth, and meaning.
As we live busy lives missing the depth of connection that has held us as humans for eons, we can’t help but feel more and more pressurized, stressed, and off balance. Bit by bit we lose touch with the essence of who we are and our inherent wisdom about how to fully embody our powerful feminine natures in a way that feels most natural and true for us individually.
Recognizing our deep need for support, we search out alternative medical and physical practices, strive to eat and live more consciously. But still, too often, we feel overwhelmed and afloat in a sea of distractions.
If this rings true for you, then I invite you to join me over the coming year for eight Women’s Year Retreat Days. These sacred gatherings with other women are designed to help you to come back to yourself, your body’s delight, your innate balance, and the deeper connection with the natural world waiting here to help you return to wholeness.
Beginning on 30 October 2022, the dates of these beautifully nurturing Retreat Days fall on the most important times of the year as celebrated in ancient times when we were still deeply connected with the changing seasons, the Wheel of the Year, and the wisdom of Mother Nature. Each of these dates has a specific symbolism for women which will be gently interwoven into the day.
All women are welcome to attend but numbers are limited with a maximum of 16 for those dates when we can be outdoors and 10 when we expect to stay mostly indoors. Whether you are a busy professional, stressed out mom, business owner or someone who spends a lot of time caring for other people, you will benefit hugely from taking this time out to regain some balance in your busy life. If you haven’t worked with me before then please have a look through my site to find out more about me and what I do.
These Women’s Year Retreat Days take place at my home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on the dates and times listed below. They are open to a maximum of 10 women for dates when we expect to be indoors over the winter months and 16 when we will be outdoors.
If you are truly committed to creating a more balanced, peaceful, and healthy life for yourself then I invite you to commit to attending all 8 days throughout this 12 month period for the reduced price of only $800 (payable in full at time of booking). If there are places available, you may be able to attend each day as a one-off event for $115, but they are really designed to run as a progressive program.
Scholarships are available for those facing financial hardship so please email me to discuss if that applies to you.
The format includes:
- Deep relaxation.
- A deeply nurturing and confidential space to tune into your own wisdom in order to create physical and emotional health and healing
- Nature-based practices and guided meditations to bring you into a place of inner stillness
- Specific instruction to deepen your capacity to attune to your own intuition and inner wisdom through deep nature processes
- Guidance to allow you to reconnect with your feelings, needs and your own innate wisdom
- Feminine wisdom teachings to help you to reconnect with the beauty and power of your divine feminine energy
- Progressive Qigong practices each session to release energetic blockages and enjoy deeper energetic connection with self, others, and the natural world
- My coaching and guidance to help you to explore what is keeping you off balance and make a plan to address it
- More relaxation!
- A supportive environment in which to at least be-friend yourself and your body if not fall in love with them!
- Time to refocus your intentions, on where you are going in your life, and to gain clarity about what changes you can make in order to create more balance and regain a sense of wholeness.
- Meaningful connection with other women who are wanting to live more fully alive in all aspects of their lives.
- Seasonal pot luck lunch.
- More relaxation!
Delicious, nutritious treats are included! Please bring something for the seasonal pot-luck lunch.
To join us simply click on the dates below that you wish to attend.
These 8 gatherings take place on the following dates…